Looking for Recipes!!!

Do you have any quick dinner recipes? Or a specialty recipe you would love to share?? Please email me at: morethanmothers@yahoo.com

Uplifting Verses

"...Here on earth you wil have many trials and sorrows, But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

What do you feel more like at this moment??

Friday, May 23, 2008

Screaming Freedom's

Screaming Engines over all noises bleed my ear drums
Screaming in the sky after they have gone by
The sound of freedom ringing in the sky
I have been listening proudly for 5 years and smiling with pride
Thank you for serving
Thank you for flying
Thank you for what you do
I am here, you are there
Working for us, working for me, working for him
You soldiers, You husband, You Daddy
The screaming tells me you are there looking over us
The clouds part for you
The birds trail in your way
They run from you
You soldiers, You husband, You Daddy
The silver bird that screams in the air is not only my son’s mobile
But our flag of Freedom
The heart of Family
Our song of Pride
Thank you
You Soldiers, You Husband, You Daddy
Happy Memorial’s Day


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is my life...taking it slow

I grew up in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona; traffic jams, hurry to wait attitude, living next to neighbors who you didn’t really know. I thought I would always be a big city girl and could never survive the boundaries of a small town. Then I married a military man, my future was no longer my own.
When we got our orders to Italy we were so excited, it was exactly what we wanted! And what a better place to spend 3 years, after just spending 1 year apart while my husband was in Korea! When we first arrived it was definite culture shock for me! No longer did I have a job (okay that wasn’t so bad), the weather was wet and sticky, none of the Italians spoke English, and you have to live on the economy with minimal American’s close by if any at all. Wow! The biggest change? Small town feel, lazy life, no corporate America stores, with a 3 hour siesta in the middle of everyday. Was I in my worst nightmare?
After 3 months we were finally grumpily comfortable in our Italian apartment. I still had not gotten used to the lifestyle the Italians lived here. No lunch with friends, sporadic shopping trips, making dinner every night, and only being able to run one appliance at a time, this was going to take some getting used to! We did however enjoy the beautiful scenery of vineyards and the Alps from our windows, the short train ride to Venice, driving 45 minutes with only 2 stop lights, and the limitless European travel opportunities. I grew a soft spot for this place. Even through the daily frustrations, I began to appreciate a life where sipping on wine nightly and slowing picking cherries off the tree became first nature.
We are now 6 weeks away from moving across the ocean, back to the states, to D.C.!! Again, this was the base we applied for, and are very excited to go to. As the day’s get closer I am slowly getting petrified of being pushed back into the real world again. The experience will continue to fill our lives with memories, and we are looking forward to that. But the idea of days that are strung together because they move so fast, having every shop window leering you inside to spend money on things, and not slowing down to see every smile on my son’s face scares me. The world sucks us into this swirling tornado that we sometimes don’t realize we are in until one day we try to look back and think about the quality days we spent together or just for ourselves, and can’t remember them. I can truly say how important this slow pace experience in Italy has been to us, even though I fought it for so long. It has changed our lives, and I will strive to live everyday in the bustling D.C. area as slow as I can to enjoy every moment.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun Fridge! For Adults!

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Beauty Tips that really work!! From: cosmopolitan.com

1) Powder Your RootsIf your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big, fluffy makeup brush, and dip it into a pot of loose powder. Tap it once on the back of your hand to remove the excess, then dust it over your roots. It mops up oil and blends into your strands, so no one will know you didn't shower.
2) Scent Strands with PerfumeSpray a light shot of fragrance into the bristles. Run it through strands from roots to ends and your hair will smell amazing throughout the day
.3) Cure Calluses with VaselineSlather on the petroleum jelly, and put on socks before bed to dissolve tough calluses overnight.
4) Spot-Treat SmudgesDip a cotton swab in eye-makeup remover, and trace it along your lids to erase any slipups or goofs when there's no time to redo your whole look.
5) Fix a Flushed FaceIf you turn red and stay that way after exercising (like seriously red for hours, even though you're healthy and hydrated), take an antihistamine like Benadryl when you leave the gym to reduce redness.

More Beauty Tips! From Cosmo

Wacky Beauty Tips That Work
6) Soften Your Bod with AvocadoTake a ripe avocado, remove the pit and skin, and mash it up in a bowl. Slather it all over your body, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Your skin will be sooo soft — avocado is a natural moisturizer.
7) Super-Glue a NailInstead of tearing off your nail when it breaks, put a tiny dab of Super Glue over the split, and paint a generous layer of your favorite nailpolish shade over it. Go for an opaque option (like red, purple, or coral) to camouflage and seal the crack.
8) Use Makeup Remover on Stubborn LipstickDon't try to rub off red lipstick (which makes it smear across your mouth — not so sexy). Instead, take a cotton ball or tissue, dip it in makeup remover, and just dab to erase the dark stain fast.
9) Tame Brows with Eye CreamPat any kind of rich eye cream over brows to help keep them hydrated and banish those icky white specks that look like dandruff.
10) Buff with Baking SodaIf you find yourself streaking (not glowing) after applying self-tanner, put some baking soda on a loofah, and scrub away the stripes.
11) Brush on Hair SprayFor the final step of your blow-dry, spray hair spray onto your brush, and run it through strands from roots to tips. This way, your do isn't so plastered and stiff but still holds volume and shine.