Looking for Recipes!!!

Do you have any quick dinner recipes? Or a specialty recipe you would love to share?? Please email me at: morethanmothers@yahoo.com

Uplifting Verses

"...Here on earth you wil have many trials and sorrows, But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

What do you feel more like at this moment??

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day, Where is the Love?
During a recent conversation on Monday my friend asked what I was going to be doing for my husband on Valentine’s Day. Well, I hadn’t’ really thought about it, between changing diapers and doing dishes, Valentine’s Day just seemed too far in the future to be worrying about on Monday. (This is so unlike me! Usually by now I would have Hallmark sending me a package of cards to choose from, booked a cupid to shoot my husband in the butt, and hired a babysitter for the night) but I guess life has changed and my planning skills have decreased a bit. (Although I did manage to get him a card a few weeks earlier) Hmmm what was I going to do?
So when he got off of work that I night I politely reminded him that it was Valentine’s Day on Thursday, “What does that mean,” he asked in a “what, do you think I forgot?” sort of way. Just a reminder, is what I told him, not expecting him to barge down the door with flowers in hand.
So Tuesday I get around to buying cookies, three different packages of prepared to decorate cookies, and strawberry muffins, something to get my brain ticking. At this point I hadn’t thought of anything for my son either.
Now we are on Wednesday, still nothing. No great ideas on how I am going to romanticize my husband. This is so unlike me! I would normally have 100 hearts cut out ready to put all over the wall on Thursday! Motherhood has definitely kept me busy! Maybe one dinner idea, the fish in the freezer I can at least get out to de-thaw.
Thursday, it’s here, no avoiding it now! Wake up..kiss my husband, wish him Happy Valentine’s Day! First mission, accomplished. Beeline to the kitchen and start making those muffins (anything red or pink will do!) Oatmeal for my son, add red food coloring to make the theme of the day. Oh and the cookies! Start the oven, cut out the perforated hearts, throw them in. (as an added surprise take the extra cookie dough, form it into a heart, and add appropriate message that will make my husband blush at work) Mission Two accomplished (Mission Two was to not let on that I hadn’t planned anything!) Daniel leaves, I set Cainen at the table and we make a craft, for all the people we are going to see today. At the park we deliver our cookies and smiles form on Cainen’s playmates faces, this accomplished Mission Three, celebrate Valentine’s with Cainen and friends.
Later on that day I speak to a couple cousins, who each have already planned something great, man, how did I get in this position?
Focus…dinner. I remember a recent fish recipe with a “sweetheart” glaze. That’s what I’ll make!! Daniel gets home late, I haven’t started dinner yet. But that’s okay because we can eat when we put Cainen down. He sets up a nice ambiance in the kitchen, flowers in a vase, a card, and flower candles, then brings me in to surprise me. I like the flower candles the best. So he now proceeds to tell me the “story” that goes along with the real flowers. He didn’t intend to get me flowers but a friend of ours who works with him insisted. (Thanks Mary!) These stories are part of our lives. Giving me something nice, and then telling me a story that takes the romance out of it. But hey, I got flowers; this is a 3 time a year occurrence!! Daniel’s one and only mission, accomplished!
Dinner…well come to find out I didn’t have all the ingredience. So we had dry fish, burnt potatoes, and rubbery veggies. Over candlelight, in peace and quiet. Mission Four and Five completed! (Mission Five is top secret)
So where was the love this Valentine’s Day? All around us. This day allowed me to see this is my life, this is my husband, and this is our love. Sometimes special days might not go as planned, and be all Hallmark wants it to be. But in our own way we showed each other our love, and that is what it is about.


Missa said...

I like the way you think. You are such a great mom and wife!

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed that you included your son and really his friends as well. Real love isn't juicy fish, real love is the actual spice of life.

Beauty Tips that really work!! From: cosmopolitan.com

1) Powder Your RootsIf your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big, fluffy makeup brush, and dip it into a pot of loose powder. Tap it once on the back of your hand to remove the excess, then dust it over your roots. It mops up oil and blends into your strands, so no one will know you didn't shower.
2) Scent Strands with PerfumeSpray a light shot of fragrance into the bristles. Run it through strands from roots to ends and your hair will smell amazing throughout the day
.3) Cure Calluses with VaselineSlather on the petroleum jelly, and put on socks before bed to dissolve tough calluses overnight.
4) Spot-Treat SmudgesDip a cotton swab in eye-makeup remover, and trace it along your lids to erase any slipups or goofs when there's no time to redo your whole look.
5) Fix a Flushed FaceIf you turn red and stay that way after exercising (like seriously red for hours, even though you're healthy and hydrated), take an antihistamine like Benadryl when you leave the gym to reduce redness.

More Beauty Tips! From Cosmo

Wacky Beauty Tips That Work
6) Soften Your Bod with AvocadoTake a ripe avocado, remove the pit and skin, and mash it up in a bowl. Slather it all over your body, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Your skin will be sooo soft — avocado is a natural moisturizer.
7) Super-Glue a NailInstead of tearing off your nail when it breaks, put a tiny dab of Super Glue over the split, and paint a generous layer of your favorite nailpolish shade over it. Go for an opaque option (like red, purple, or coral) to camouflage and seal the crack.
8) Use Makeup Remover on Stubborn LipstickDon't try to rub off red lipstick (which makes it smear across your mouth — not so sexy). Instead, take a cotton ball or tissue, dip it in makeup remover, and just dab to erase the dark stain fast.
9) Tame Brows with Eye CreamPat any kind of rich eye cream over brows to help keep them hydrated and banish those icky white specks that look like dandruff.
10) Buff with Baking SodaIf you find yourself streaking (not glowing) after applying self-tanner, put some baking soda on a loofah, and scrub away the stripes.
11) Brush on Hair SprayFor the final step of your blow-dry, spray hair spray onto your brush, and run it through strands from roots to tips. This way, your do isn't so plastered and stiff but still holds volume and shine.